This post intends to give you enough background to play an active part in
working with bugs in OpenStack. This includes an understanding of the
basic life cycle a bug goes through and in which state you can contribute
in which way. It also clarifies some possible misunderstandings and gives a
few best practices. In general, the bugs of a project (like Nova, Cinder,
Neutron and others) can be found in our issue tracker Launchpad. The
lists of bugs are available at<projectname>
for the Nova project.
Change history:
Date | Change description |
2015-12-01 | The first release |
2016-03-05 | Added a change history |
This is the most basic (and slightly simplified) life cycle of a bug:
Name | Description |
New | The bug was just created and no one has looked at it yet |
Incomplete | The bug is waiting on input from the reporter (other issue trackers name this status NEEDINFO) |
Triaged | The bug comments contain a full analysis on how to properly fix the issue |
Confirmed | The bug was reproduced or confirmed as a genuine bug from someone other than the reporter |
In Progress | The assignee of the bug is working on a fix |
Fix Committed | The branch containing the fix was merged into master |
Fix Released | The fix is included in the proposed/* branch, a past milestone or a past release |
Won’t Fix | This is a valid issue, but we don’t intend to fix that |
Opinion | This is a valid issue, but it is the way it should be |
Invalid | This is not a bug, could be a feature request |
The purpose of an issue tracker is to improve the quality of the project. An
improvement has happened when the bug is in an “Accepted Status” like
Fix Committed
or Fix Released
A bug ending up in any of the “Rejected States” (Won't Fix
, Opinion
) – which may happen for a variety of reasons including that the
proposed bug is actually a result of operator error or is out of scope –
arguably hasn’t directly improved the project. But it could suggest or make it
clear that a concept is not as intuitive or well documented as it should be.
The “Open States” (New
, Incomplete
, Triaged
, Confirmed
In Progress
) call for ongoing effort of one or many contributors.
When reporting a bug please provide at least the minimal information necessary to enable another contributor to understand why you think that this is an issue. We have a lot of contributors, each one with a different background, with a specific set of knowledge and with a different depth in OpenStack. It is unlikely that everyone understands instantly why an incident or workflow didn’t pass your expectation.
A possible template, which helps others to understand you, could be:
Some prose which explains more in detail what this bug report is
about. If the headline of this report is descriptive enough,
skip this section.
Steps to reproduce
A chronological list of steps which will bring off the
issue you noticed:
* I did X
* then I did Y
* then I did Z
A list of openstack client commands would be the most
descriptive example.
Expected result
After the execution of the steps above, what should have
happened if the issue wasn't present?
Actual result
What happened instead of the expected result?
How did the issue look like?
1. Exact version of OpenStack you are running. See the following
list for all releases:
For the current stable release "Liberty" it is:
If this is from a distro please provide
$ dpkg -l | grep <projectname>
$ rpm -ql | grep <projectname>
If this is from git, please provide
$ git log -1
2. Which storage type did you use?
(For example: Ceph, LVM, GPFS, ...)
3. Which networking type did you use?
(For example: nova-network, Neutron with OpenVSwitch, ...)
The tool *sosreport* has support for some OpenStack projects.
It's worth having a look at it. For example, if you want to collect
the logs of a compute node you would execute:
$ sudo sosreport -o openstack_nova --batch
on that compute node. Attach the logs to this bug report.
For a more detailed rationale why this information is necessary read the Bug Filing Recommendations from the OpenStack wiki.
When you report a bug you will face some typical issue which can be solved with appropriate tooling support. Below are the situations you will most likely encounter in your role as bug reporter.
Q: I want to paste logs or console commands or config files in my bug report, what do I use?
A: Try pastebin. It’s easy to read and provides a lot of preconfigured highlightings. Just reference from your bug description to the pastebin link.
Q: I want to show a console session (where possibly timing is relevant). How do I link to that in my bug report?
A: Try showterm. It records your console session and replays it with all input and output in the exact timing it happened. Just reference from your bug description to the showterm link.
If you have found a bug which shows a vulnerability and could therefore be a threat to the security of OpenStack, please contact the Vulnerability Management Team. Also, when you report the bug, ensure that you mark the bug as a security bug. This bug will then be private and only accessible to you and the Vulnerability Management Team. This stalls the exploit of this vulnerability and gives the team more time to react appropriately.
We can distinguish among multiple roles in the bug process. A contributor can have more than one role:
The following table should be read like:
The bug has the status [...] and in the role of a/an [...], I am supposed to work with this bug if there is an ‘x’.:
reporter | triager | supervisor | assignee | release-mgmt | |
New | x | ||||
Incomplete | x | ||||
Triaged | x | ||||
Confirmed | x | ||||
In Progress | x | ||||
Fix Committed | x | ||||
Fix Released | x | ||||
Won’t Fix | x | ||||
Opinion | x | ||||
Invalid | x |
, please read the comments of the bug and provide the
requested necessary information. After that, set the status back to New
bug and could reproduce the issue, you can set the state
to Confirmed
bug and know where the issue has its root cause,
label the bug with one or more of the tags (see Tags)Won't Fix
or Invalid
, please read the rationale of the contributor who
set the the bug to this state. If you don’t agree with the provided
rationale, it’s fine to set the status to New
again and explain why
you don’t agree.Triaged
bugs are prioritized.Launchpad provides a lot of fields for a bug entry. This makes the sorting and querying of bugs easier and is the base for release management. Not every combination of bug status and bug fields makes sense. As a guideline, read the following table as
The bug has the status [...]. A bug in this status should have the fields [...] set. I should be in the role of a [...] to set these fields.:
Status | Fields which should be set | Contributor Role |
New | title, description, tags, affects | reporter, triager |
Incomplete | title, description, tags, affects | reporter |
Triaged | title, description, tags, affects Importance | bug-supervisor |
Confirmed | title, description, tags, affects Importance | bug-supervisor |
In Progress | title, description, tags, affects Importance, Assigned to | assignee |
Fix Committed | title, description, tags, affects Importance, Assigned to | N/A |
Fix Released | title, description, tags, affects Importance, Assigned to, Milestone | release mgmt. |
Won’t Fix | N/A | N/A |
Opinion | N/A | N/A |
Invalid | N/A | N/A |
Only the bug-supervisor sets the importance of a bug. The bug-supervisors
are the core reviewers and a group of volunteers. In other words, usually
you are not supposed to set Importance
or Milestone
As a bug is moved along the process to being fixed, some bug state transitions can lead to confusion to contributors. The following are examples of how some of these common state transitions and how they should be handled.
If there is not enough information provided, contributors switch the bug from
to Incomplete
and ask the reporters for more details. When the
reporters provide that information, they switch the status back to New
Sometimes a bug is reported and the issue is solved by another patch which
wasn’t aware of the specific bug. It’s totally acceptable to set this bug to
Fix Committed
and link to the patch which solved it. This reduces the
monitoring effort for bugs in “Open States” whereby other bugs can get more
The issue was reproduced by someone other than the reporter. You don’t need to be in the role of a “bug-supervisor” to do that. Every contributor is encouraged to do so.
Sometimes an issue is assigned and set to In Progress
but there is no
progress in a long time for a variety of reasons, for example:
To enable other contributors to work on that issue, remove the assignee and
set the status to the last known before it was set to In Progress
. Every
project will handle that policy in a somewhat different way.
There are several key tasks with regards to bugs that anyone can do:
bugs with the project specific tags (see Tags).New
A New
bug can be marked Confirmed
once it has been reproduced
and is thus confirmed as genuine.In Progress
(see Status and Fields)Incomplete
bugs: See if information that caused them to be
marked Incomplete
has been provided, determine if more information is
required and provide reminders to the bug reporter if they haven’t
responded after 2-4 weeks.In Progress
bugs: Work with assignee of bugs to determine
if the bug is still being worked on, if not, unassign them and mark them
back to the last known state.Launchpad provides Tags. They are a way to label bugs with certain keywords to enable better sorting in one or more categories. Because some of the projects are so huge and span multiple layers, services and components, it is impossible to be an expert in each of those areas. The tagging of a bug enables contributors to create a query for bugs to which they can contribute their expertise. Each project has its own set of tags and an overview can be found in the wiki.
Discussions in the issue tracker:
The longer the discussion gets and the more contributors take part, the more complicated it will get to understand who is talking to whom about what. If you want to answer on a comment from another contributor, try to use this as the first line in your answer:
@<name> in reply to comment #<N>:
This makes it also easier in notification e-mails to spot that a reaction is necessary. Unfortunately Launchpad doesn’t support this in an automated way.
This post should have given you an overview how the bug management in OpenStack is (usually) done. Although this will differ from project to project it should give you a good start. There are ongoing efforts to move away from Launchpad to another platform, but I’m confident that the overall way how to deal with bugs won’t be differ too much to what is described in this post.
The content of this post was initially intended to be part of the official docs of OpenStack but there was no project which had the right scope for that. See the nova review and the infra-manual review for more details.